About The Society

We're a group of Ethical Hacking students at Abertay University in sunny Dundee, who meet every Wednesday at 7pm in the Hacklab at Abertay Uni to discuss topics relating to information security.

Along with running our weekly meetings we are also known for organising our annual conference Securi-Tay, which is Europe's biggest student-run information security conference, aimed to help students interact with industry. Our members are known for attending many different conferences and events around the world, and you may have seen some of them presenting work at these events. Along with conferences the Abertay Hackers have a reputation of being very competitive at CTF events which has resulted in many of our teams ranking 1st place.

Most of our members study at Abertay University which offers two courses related to information security, these are our BSc(Hons) in Ethical Hacking and our MSc in Ethical Hacking and Cyber security. Both courses are very popular due to the hands-on teaching approach supplied by our lecturers and our modules which simulate work that we may face in a real-world environment.

We are active on Discord -- you can join us here!

Code of Conduct

As a society affiliated with the Abertay University Students' Association, we expect our committee, members, and speakers to abide by the Students' Association's Code of Conduct. In doing so, we hope to foster a welcoming environment where members of all groups are able to freely contribute without fearing discrimination or attacks.

All members are expected to behave responsibly and act with dignity and respect towards everyone at all times. This applies on Abertay University premises, whilst using Abertay University facilities or participating in any Association activity/ event including affiliated society events wherever they are held or whilst representing or acting on behalf of Abertay Students' Association wherever this may be.


The Abertay Ethical Hacking Society is governed by a Constitution laying out how members should expect the society to be run. It lays out the requirements of each committee role and how events such as Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs), Annual General Meetings (AGMs), and elections should be conducted

Any additions, removals, or amendments to the constitution must be voted on by the society's members

Members may also complain to the committee or the Student Association should they feel terms of the constitution have been violated

So What Do We Do?


Week # Talk
1 Welcome Back/Lockdown Projects
2 The Puzzles of Stalkerware
3 Let's Get Wasted!
4 HackSoc Quiz Night!
5 Rocking your Online Interview
6 Lightning Talks
7 Spooky Slideshow Karaoke
8 History of Modern Encryption


Current restrictions have made it hard to meet and socialise with friends, that is why the HackSoc committee have made it a core aim of this year to engage with our members as best we can and facilitate socialising by running games and other events on our Discord!

Normally, after the weekly in-person HackTalk, we would go to the pub. However, current COVID19 restrictions have forced us to get creative!

Each week the society runs a games night, with our Discord set-up so members can jump in and play games whenever they want! We're also currently running Dungeons and Dragons sessions, dungeon mastered by some of our very own members, and we've also got our weekly Capture-The-Flag events starting!

This is just some of the plans we have for the year and hope to get ideas from members on what more can be done!

Securi-tay is Europe's largest student-run Cybersecurity conference, hosted by the Abertay Hackers. It features many talks and events from speakers across the world! The conference offers many opportunities for our members to help out as well as networking with future employers!

More information will be coming soon!

Meet The Committee


Tristan is a 4th year Ethical Hacking Student and this is his third year part of the committee. He enjoys hiking, camping and treks in the mountains.


Noah is a 4th year Ethical Hacking student who enjoys playing chess and learning about history. He is commonly found talking about Vsauce or playing rockband. You'll often see him at the pub after Hacksoc.


David is a 4th year Ethical Hacking student. Commonly found solving CTF's or taking his anger out on those CTF's at the local go-karting track. Otherwise, you can usually find him at a pub attempting to convince people about how tasty Sambuca is.


Aimee is a 3rd year Computing student. You'll mainly find her either at a computer, dealing with her horses, or just generally procrastinating. When at uni, you may find her sleeping somewhere on the 4th floor of the uni

Contact Us

Call For Papers

We are always on the lookout for interesting talks at HackSoc! If you are interested in doing one, please get in touch!

HackSoc Requests

If you have any requests for equipment, please get in touch